Thursday, May 29, 2008

Orphan kitty...

Well I was driving home early as my class was cancelled and I happened to notice out of the corner of my eye, a tiny little furry ball just on the other side of the white line along Smith Rd. I was able to pull over, back up, get out and walk towards it in the lane of traffic. Luckily the little thing walked right up to me, so what else could I do? There was only one house remotely close, but no one was home. I suspect it was maybe dumped because it is so friendly there is no way it can be feral. After a quick trip to the IGA store we fed him(he was starving!) clipped his nails and are fairly certain it is a boy. It's sometimes hard to tell at this age so we will know for certain eventually. I didnt find any fleas on him either, which also indicates he was probobly not living outside, plus he seems to be in good health. I told Mom I would hold him for her till she and Grandpa come, as you know, they have a soft spot for orphans!

1 comment:

Pat and Lee said...

Well, he's just adorable! And he must be pretty young, as his eyes are still blue.
Does he purr? I bet that he was so glad to eat! Did you give him water, too? What did the dogs think?
And what did Dave think? Maybe he could be an inside kitty and be Haileys?
Love you!