Saturday, July 19, 2008

And then there was one.....

Amazing-we are down to one child, one relatively small, usually quiet, uneventful child. How did this happen? And why the heck did it take so long? No really Kelsey we will miss you:) I helped Kelsey move all her funiture toady and tomorrow she will come back to weed through and pack the clothes she actually wants to drag around with her the rest of her life. As soon as that is done Hailey is planning on moving into that room as it has a bigger closet, but really that is the only advantage that I can see. Hailey's old room will turn into the guest/Madilyn room, and the office will be the office. I am going to move my desk and computer in there along with another table for working and a book shelf for all my books and stuff. I also plan on hanging some of the things I have done for inspiration or embarrasment depending on the piece. The play yard hasn't been touched but there is still tomorrow or the next day......

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