Saturday, August 02, 2008


Madi loves licorice! What's not to love? Contrary to popular belief I did not give her a whole piece of licorice, it was her mother!


Cathi said...

We have a similar picture of Sean about that age eating red licorice with similar results! He was outside in San Jose, though, and I'm pretty sure he was hosed off afterwards!

Dad said...

The first picture appears she is saying her prayers. Bless her!!

Val said...

since it was too cold for the hose we used about 7 baby wipes!
I'm pretty sure she is quite thankful, just not sure how she got so lucky!

Pat and Lee said...

We LOVE these pictures!! I'm afraid that I was the culprit with Sean's first experience with red licorice, and Cathi is right, he was outside in his swing in just a diaper. He was as enamoured with it as Madilyn is!
I love the way her little fingers are clenched on the licorice - she must have had a fit when you wrestled it out of her hands!