Friday, September 19, 2008

New News..

I was hoping to have the video for proof, but someone (her mother) is not cooperating! Madi is officially crawling, her favorite thing to do is crawl into her room, shut the door and take all the books off the shelf! As soon as I have video to upload you can see for yourself her own "special" way of getting around..Also just heard from Cody, he has landed in VA and after his de-briefing he will be headed back home to AZ. I will update more as I find out more. Oh yeah, Happy Friday!!


WaAngel said...

YAY!!! It's about time! :) Oliver is pulling himself up to a stand. Crazy how big they're both getting. We miss you guys.

Val said...

How are you? We miss you to, how is everyone doing? Oliver will be walking by Christmas! Crazy!!

Cathi said...

Yeah Miss Madi! You'll be svelte in no time : )
Glad to hear Cody is back safe and sound.