Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick-or-Treat '08

Madi's first Halloween was a pretty big hit once she figured out all those nice people were giving her candy! Lindsay and Jake thought the mall would be a better weather choice for Madi's first time trick-or-treating, it was definitely warm...She was able to walk to about the first four stores then we took turns carrying her. Unfortunately the baby sitter never put her down for a nap today so she was tired and was on the verge of melting down. We walked around most of the mall then headed to the food court to eat. Her attitude improved greatly with food, juice and fruit snacks. She was adorable in her costume and the only snail at the mall! We ran into several friends of the kids' including Lindsay's boss, Amber her husband and son (the dragon) we also saw Mahayla, she was an adorable little pirate. All in all it was a pretty fun Halloween..

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