Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Madi!

Today was Madi's first birthday! Hard to believe she is already one year old, seems like just yesterday I got a phone call from Lindsay saying they were heading to the hospital. Of course I can't imagine life before Madi came along, she is such a sweet, happy baby and has been a source of constant joy for all of us. Tonight we had a family birthday dinner for Madi, we had chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and rolls. Of course for dessert we had cupcakes with plenty of frosting. Since she had a late nap she was still a bit groggy but eventually she came around, I think all the frosting may have helped play a part in that! She loved her presents and tore the paper off in little bits handing them one by one to her mother. Luckily she only had two to open or we would still be waiting! The evening ended with a bath to remove all the frosting especially from her hair, then off to home with cupcakes for tomorrow!


WaAngel said...

Awww, happy birthday Madi!!! Oliver has those drums too, he loves them... we should start a band! :)

Cathi said...

Happy Birthday, Madi! Thanks for the great pics, Val : )