Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday afternoon...

The best part of the day so far was that Cody called and said it looks like he may be heading back to the states on either Nov 30, or Dec 5th, which means he will be home for Christmas! I am so very happy and excited, I was realllllly wanting Cody to be home for the holidays. The last time he was home for Christmas was '05, I'd say it's about time. Anyway all the people who live with me can breathe a sigh of relief as I will surely be easier to live with now :)
As promised I had a few pictures on my camera of the dogs and Madi (shocker I know) so I am going to share them even though they have nothing to do with my news!


Pat and Lee said...

YAY!! You made our day, too! You are right - it's bloody time that he was home for Christmas! :)
Now it can seem like the holidays to you!
Thanks for posting all of the adorable pictures, too! I feel rich!
Love you!

Pat and Lee said...

Ok, I just clicked on the first picture of Madi, and when it came up big, the little person I saw in her face was Cody! Shocking! But the eyes and eyebrows are her uncles! :)
I showed Grandpa, and he agreed.

Val said...

Thats so funny! I think you are right! Genes are a funny will definitely feel more like Christmas if Cody can be there too.