Monday, June 30, 2008


This is a picture of a self propelled brush hog which you tow behind a four wheeler, with this we can mow our fields ourself! which save us quite a bit of money, but pisses off a lot of rabbits!

This is the ultimately cool arena drag we were able to procure from one of dave's clients. It works up the arena perfectly with the tines and then smooths it with the blade! I love it!

This is actually still in progress, but we put in a new hitching post and will eventually fill in the dead grass area with more rock up to the rock border. The hot water heater will be mounted just inside the door so we can have warm water baths.

This is where we put the Clematis Mom and Lee got for us when they were here for the grad whirl wind week. I used fishing line to make a place for the little arms to grow up and eventually cover the fence. The flowers will be purple and it's amazing how much it has grown since I replanted them.

I know I have been absent for a very long time but only because I have been running non-stop since I returned from Montana. I have been working a lot, which is good but we have also been taking advantage of the fact that we have been having extremely cooperative weather for getting all those pesky projects done! Not to mention I had a horse show all weekend and Morgan arrived from Phoenix so we have been trying to squeeze in a little fun as well.

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