Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's not just a job..

It's an adventure! and a little dangerous as well, cody sent these pics to grandma who was sweet enough to forward them on to me :) Cody and his buddy are strapped into their C130 in a chair that is strapped in as well to refuel helicopers mid-air in the pitch black night! At least he wont be bored all the time, as long as his harness holds! The other picture is of Cody's adorable (tiny) girl friend Jerren, whom we will all get to meet when cody brings her home! The girls are officially enjoying christmas break, and so am I. Grandma gets here on the 21st we are all very excited and ready for it to be christmas, sort of, 99 percent of my shopping is done there are just a couple of more important things...After some important decision making by the Junior executive branch of the family ie: cathi, dave, and myself, we have decided to have the ever festive holiday burgers on christmas day. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us!!!!

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