Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's only tuesday?!

This is going to be a looong week, although I am not sure what I am in such a hurry to get to the weekend for, it actually just means another monday. work was a drain on my good humor last nite. Not to mention my teenage daughters.(were a drain) Oh well, they grow up and move out, and back, and out. The good news is the weather has been being nice, and with any luck I may get to mow one last time, all I need is a good 4-hour block of time. The mornings and nights are cold, but the days are sunny and pretty warm. We had to drag out the big blankets for the horses, and put the rain sheets back in the barn. We are officially down to one puppy to sell, the little girl. I don't think we'll have any trouble, they are awfully cute, I know I'm prejudice....Not much else to report, I'll try again tomorrow.


Cathi said...

Here's to a much better Wednesday for you! I agree, serving at a restaurant just has to require a LOT of good humor... I wish some other good-paying, flexible job would come your way. Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

Well, now you're at Wednesday and at the end of the day will be that much closer to the weekend! Where, perhaps, you'll get your 4 hour block of time! Can't you put one of your teenaged daughters on the mower? It would probably be good for them!
I'm putting Lee on an airplane tonight, for a two week trip to Australia to visit Andy and Linda and girls. He's very excited, in spite of the 14+ hour plane ride.

Anonymous said...

I have a photo request: Can Dave take a picture of you and your girls to post?

Cathi said...

as long as you're taking requests, can you please post one of the boy toys? : )

Anonymous said...

Another photo request: Have Kelsey take a picture of you and Dave with your 4-legged kids?

Thanks! : )